Von GOT7 bis hin zur Solokarriere: die Erfolgsgeschichte von Bambam!

From GOT7 to his solo career: the success story of Bambam!

When people talk about Bambam, the first thing that comes to mind is a talented solo artist and right after that the boy group GOT7, through which he became famous. If you want to learn more about ...
Das ist Sunmi: Eine der größten Solokünstlerinnen in K-Pop! 

This is Sunmi: one of the greatest solo artists in K-Pop!

There is hardly a K-Pop fan who has not heard a cover of the hits "24 Hours" or "Gashina". They all come from the singer Sunmi, who has been on stage since 2007 and has released countless viral son...
Hinter der Ikone: Hyunas beeindruckende Karriere!

Behind the iconic singer: Hyuna's impressive career!

Hyuna is an absolute superstar, known for her daring concepts and confident image. Here you'll find an overview of the most important stages of her journey. From her beginnings in Wonder Girls to h...
Wir führen dich durch die Geschichte von The Boyz!
the boyz

We will guide you through the history of The Boyz!

The eleven-member boy group The Boyz can already look back on 16 successful albums a good five years after their debut! Despite the setback of one member leaving the group in 2019, the boy group co...
STAYC: Eine Girlgroup, die sich immer wieder selbst übertrifft!

STAYC: A girl group that always outdoes itself!

In November 2020, the girl group STAYC made its debut and quickly achieved great success! Since then, the young girl group has been continuously breaking personal records and conquering the hearts ...
Die aufregende Geschichte von iKON im Überblick!

An overview of iKON's exciting history!

The members of iKON had to overcome two survival shows before they finally made their debut. Since then, the boy group has released a series of successful albums with hits like "Love Scenario" topp...
Hier erfährst du mehr über die legendäre Boygroup Super Junior!
super junior

Hier erfährst du mehr über die legendäre Boygroup Super Junior!

Diese Boygroup debütierte in 2005 und hat schon früh Aufsehen erregt. Heutzutage ist es normal, dass K-Pop-Gruppen 12 Mitglieder umfassen, Subunits bilden und Mitglieder aus China haben. Aber wer h...
Kep1er: Herausforderungen, Meilensteine und mehr!

Kep1er: Challenges, milestones and more!

In 2021, a survival show called "Girls Planet 999" aired. In October, nine talented female singers emerged as winners. We know them as Kep1er, a girl group that regularly hits the charts with their...
Ein Rückblick auf die Erfolgsgeschichte von IZ*ONE.

A look back at the success story of IZ*ONE.

Even those who became a K-pop fan only after 2021 may have heard of IZ*ONE. The girl group was active for only two and a half years, but extremely popular and successful. The former members have si...