Oneus Weg in unsere Herzen: Pre-Debüt bis Heute! 

Oneus path into our hearts: pre-debut until today!

In mid-2018, RBW announced that two groups would debut in the second half of the year. One of them is the six-member boy group "Oneus," which has been gathering fans even before its debut. The futu...
Über die Ankunft und Reise von Everglow!

About the arrival and journey of Everglow!

Everglow is a charismatic six-piece girl group whose members have been attracting attention since before their debut. They have been dominating the stage since their debut in 2019 and are sure to i...
AB6IX: Von Wanna One und MXM bis zur Gruppe die sie heute sind.

AB6IX: From Wanna One and MXM to the group they are today.

The five members of AB6IX and their fans achieve absolute perfection when they are together. K-Pop fans saw four of the members in public for the first time in 2017. Namely, the future AB6IX member...
Aespa: Die etwas andere Girlgroup!

Aespa: A slightly different girl group!

The young girl group marks the beginning of a new storyline that will unite all SM artists. However, Aespa consists not only of an unusual concept, but also four very talented members: Karina, Gise...
Das ist SHINee! Onew, Jonghyun, Minho, Key und Taemin!

This is SHINee! Onew, Jonghyun, Minho, Key and Taemin!

SHINee has been active in the entertainment industry for nearly 14 years and has always remained relevant. The boy group is known for their strong voices, complex choreography and unique musical st...
Oh My Girl verzaubern uns nonstop seit 2015!
oh my girl

Oh My Girl has been enchanting us non-stop since 2015!

Oh My Girl is a seven-member girl group that has slowly but surely captured the hearts of K-Pop fans worldwide. Sometimes dreamy and fairy-like, other times happily dancing, they have been enchanti...
IU - Ein Blick auf ihre unglaubliche Erfolgsgeschichte!

IU - Here's a look at her incredible success story!

IU is one of the most successful solo artists in the charts dominated by idol groups. The singer debuted over 13 years ago and in addition to her unprecedented singing career, she also has an impre...
Astro - Eine Boygroup mit Charme!

Astro - A boy group with charm!

In August 2015, the six members of the new boy group were featured in their own web drama called "To Be Continued". The fans, who became aware of Astro through the series, were eagerly waiting for ...
Geballtes Talent und ganz viel Power: (G)I-dle

Concentrated talent and a lot of power: (G)I-dle

(G)I-dle is a powerful girl group that has been convincing with its stage presence since its debut and breaks with the clichés of female idols. In the discography of the group you can find a variet...