Jin schenkt uns zum Abschied seine 1. Single 'The Astronaut'!

Jin gives us his 1st single 'The Astronaut' as a farewell gift!

Yesterday there was big news from BTS, as the boy group announced that the members will soon be doing their military service. However, Jin, who will go first, had previously announced his first sol...
BTS leisten in den nächsten drei Jahren ihren Militärdienst ab!

BTS are completing their military service in the next three years!

For months, fans and the media have debated time and again whether the members of BTS should complete the compulsory military service like all other men in South Korea or be given an exemption. Now...
BTS feiern ihr "Yet to Come" Konzert in Busan mit neuen Fanartikeln!

BTS celebrate their "Yet to Come" concert in Busan with new fan merchandise!

To celebrate the "Yet to Come" concert, BTS have announced new fan merchandise. By the way, you can watch the concert live on the online platform Weverse! Especially for those who can't be there in...
Bist du bereit, BTS Musik auf eine neue Art zu genießen?

Are you ready to enjoy BTS music in a new way?

We're used to K-Pop artists releasing all kinds of versions of their albums, and for some time now, vinyl records are nothing new. Those who collect vinyl records and like to listen to BTS now have...
BTS präsentiert Aufnahmen von der “Love Yourself: Speak Yourself The Final” Tour!

BTS presents footage from the "Love Yourself: Speak Yourself The Final" Tour!

Although BTS is currently focusing more on solo projects, fans don't have to miss out on new fan merchandise. Starting today you can pre-order the DVD, Blu-ray or Digital Code Box with recordings f...
Ab heute kannst du Jimin's Fotobuch vorbestellen!

Starting today you can pre-order Jimin's photo book!

As you may know, each of the BTS members will be releasing their own photo book: The first was Jungkook, who announced his photo book in mid-August. This was followed by RM just a few days later. N...
Hol dir die DICON D'FESTA Mini Editions von BTS, Twice und Co!

Get the DICON D'FESTA Mini Editions of BTS, Twice and Co!

By now, a total of eight different well-known bands such as BTS, Twice or Stray Kids are part of the anniversary project of the magazine DICON. Now new MINI EDITIONs were announced! They are a litt...
Vogue und V bereichern den Oktober mit atemberaubenden Fotos!

Vogue and V enrich October with stunning photos!

V, as we know, is not only a talented singer, but also a top model. So it's no wonder that fashion magazines are eager to collaborate with him. Recently, new magazine covers of Korean Vogue have be...
Diese Comebacks erwarten uns im September!

These comebacks await us in September!

August is pretty much over, but even on the last day, new K-Pop albums and fan merchandise are still being released. These include "Gasoline", the new album from SHINee's Key or the second Annivers...