Auf diese Alben könnt ihr euch im August freuen!

These are the albums you can look forward to in August!

Although the month is not quite over yet and we can still look forward to Dreamcatcher's comeback on July 30, among other things, we are already excited about the series of new releases planned for...
Stray Kids “NOEASY - Limited Edition” jetzt vorbestellen!
stray kids

Stray Kids "NOEASY - Limited Edition" pre-order now!

Almost a year after the release of Stray Kids repackage album "In Life" in September 2020, the band finally returns with a new album! With the return of Hyunjin, everything is now ready for the new...
TXT veröffentlichen ihr erstes Repackage Album!

TXT releases their first repackage album!

The five-member boy group under Big Hit only debuted in March 2019, but has already released several successful albums and has also celebrated some success this year. TXT is now releasing their fir...
Ateez veröffentlicht “Treasure : Hidden Map” Fotobuch

Ateez publishes "Treasure : Hidden Map" photo book

This year, Ateez has released a Korean album and a Japanese album, participated in a survival show and four members play in a series. Then, at the end of the month, the Japanese single "Dreamers" i...
Dreamcatcher kommt zurück mit Special Album “Summer Holiday”

Dreamcatcher comes back with special album "Summer Holiday"

After the last comeback "Dystopia: Road to Utopia", which was almost half a year ago, Dreamcatcher is finally back! The girl group, known mostly for their rocking music and dark concepts, has annou...
Blicke mit "BTS Memories of 2020" zurück aufs letzte Jahr.

Take a look back at the last year with "BTS Memories of 2020".

BTS didn't leave their ARMY alone even in Corona times and revolutionized the K-Pop world once again. You can find the "BTS Memories of 2020" here in our store! Order it comfortably to your home an...
JYP Entertainment debütiert 2022 eine neue Girlband

JYP Entertainment debuts new girl band in 2022

South Korean entertainment agency JYP Entertainment is ready to present another fresh talent, having already created popular bands like TWICE, Wonder Girls and others. Who exactly it is and all far...
1. Platz für Stray Kids bei Billboard Charts
stray kids

1st place for Stray Kids on Billboard Charts

After the Stray Kids had already made it into the Billboard World Digital Song Sales Charts a total of 26 times with their songs, they scored the first number one spot with their mixtape "OH" on Ju...
Die besten K-Pop Releases von 2021 

Best K-Pop Releases of 2021

The new year isn't even 2 months old yet, but the latest pre-orders and K-Pop new releases have it all. From new releases like Ateez Zero Fever 2 to the latest BTS articles, we present you our new ...