TXT startet mit einer neuen "Season of TXT Box" in den Herbst!

TXT kicks off fall with a new "Season of TXT" Box!

TXT kicks off fall with a package full of fan merchandise for your collection! The boy group not only regularly releases albums, but often presents other exciting fan items like DVDs. Starting toda...
The Rose rocken den September mit ihrem neuen Album DUAL!
the rose

The Rose rock September with their new album DUAL!

If you are a fan of The Rose, you should mark September 22 in your calendar, because on that day the new album "DUAL" will be released! We've been waiting for this announcement since July 21, becau...
Fifty Fifty: Neueste Entwicklungen im Rechtsstreit mit ATTRAKT
fifty fifty

Fifty Fifty: Latest developments in the legal dispute with ATTRAKT

As you surely know, girl group Fifty Fifty has been in a legal battle with their agency ATTRAKT since the end of June. Things remained quiet in July, but yesterday Fifty Fifty spoke up again and ad...
Der Herbst ist prall gefüllt mit Comebacks von Seventeen, Lee Chaeyeon und mehr!

Fall is jam-packed with comebacks from Seventeen, Lee Chaeyeon and more!

As the summer heat slowly fades, K-Pop fans around the world can prepare for an electrifying season of comebacks from their favorite idols. In the coming weeks, we can expect new albums from Lee Ch...
Queendom Puzzle Finale: Sieben Strahlende Gewinnerinnen bilden EL7Z UP!
el7z up

Queendom Puzzle Finale: Seven bright winners form EL7Z UP!

For eight weeks, fans around the world have been cheering along and experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. Now it's over: yesterday the finale of the survival show Queendom Puzzle aired, in whi...
Wirf einen Blick in Young K's neues Album "Letters with notes"!

Take a look at Young K's new album "Letters with notes"!

Young K, also known as Kang Younghyun, has become known as a member of the band Day6. He also made his solo debut in September 2021 with the mini album "Eternal". Now, two years later, Young K anno...
NCT's Taeil muss wegen einer Verletzung eine Pause einlegen.

NCT's Taeil has to take a break due to injury.

SM Entertainment announced a few hours ago that NCT's Taeil injured himself in an accident and needs surgery. Therefore, the singer will temporarily take a break and withdraw from his upcoming acti...
Auch dieses Jahr veröffentlicht Treasure ein Magazin zum Jubiläum!

This year, Treasure is again releasing an anniversary magazine!

As every year, the boy group Treasure celebrates its anniversary in 2023 with an Anniversary Magazine, which contains many colorful extras. Those who already bought the magazine in 2022 and were th...
Die Boys Planet Projektgruppe "BLIT" heißt jetzt "EVNNE"!

The Boys Planet project group "BLIT" is now called "EVNNE"!

Are you one of the fans waiting for the debut of the new project group "BLIT"? This one already has some fans, because it consists of trainees from the popular survival show "Boys Planet". Hopefull...